Autonomous Drone Race | A2RL


Where Innovation Takes Flight
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Prepare to witness a groundbreaking moment in autonomous technology.
Behold as the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League unveils the autonomous drone race. At its core, this thrilling event embodies a singular mission: to defy the boundaries of autonomous aerial mobility.

It’s not about speed. It’s about redefining what’s possible.

While traditional autonomy excels in controlled environments, the aerial realm presents a unique challenge. But the autonomous drone is here to change that narrative. We challenge teams from all around the world, conducting daring experiments, propelling both autonomous racing and AI research forward.

Navigating through complex airspaces with unprecedented precision. These Autonomous Drones set the bar higher, constantly pushing the boundaries.

Join us in witnessing the future of autonomous flight.

Autonomous Vehicles


The DCL Drone Champions League is the global leader in professional drone racing. With a mission to combine cutting-edge technology and stunning locations, DCL has created a one-of-a-kind racing series that engages millions of fans around the world.

race 2025

Drone race
A Race That's Propelling Us Toward a Future of Autonomy. Because the future is autonomous, and the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League is driving us there, one drone at a time.

Join us as we pave the way to the new era of the mobility

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ASPIRE will be conducting detailed briefings with potential teams. To receive an invitation please register your interest.
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